1. Office of Admission
  2. College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus| Program

Lake Erie College's CCP program allows eligible students to earn high school and college credit that will appear on both their high school and college transcripts.

College Credit Plus (CCP) was established by Ohio law in September 2014, replacing the Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program. Effective beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, CCP redefines "alternative dual enrollment programs." For more information, visit the Ohio Department of Education.

Lake Erie College offers two options for College Credit Plus:

  • On-Campus Take college courses on the LEC campus.

  • Dual Enrollment Take college courses at your high school with accredited teachers through our dual enrollment program. Speak with your guidance counselor to see if we are offering dual enrollment at your school.

Application Process for CCP Students

Step 1: Attend a High School CCP Information Session

Step 2: Complete the Intent to Participate Form. Return the completed form to your high school by April 1

Step 3: File a CCP Application to Lake Erie College by April 15

Step 4: Submit High School Transcript or Middle School Grade Report

Step 5: Submit the Guidance Counselor Recommendation Form

Step 6: Determine Eligibility and Placement

  • Minimum preferred GPA: 2.5

  • Submit qualifying ACT or SAT scores, or take the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Reading Test

  • Students entering grades 10-12 with a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher will be admitted without test scores

Step 7: Wait for Admittance Decision!

Step 8: Once accepted, information regarding orientation will be emailed to you once it is available to students. For questions about orientation, please contact ccpinfo@eduftp.net.

Step 9: Schedule an Appointment with an Academic Advisor to select classes and register (Fall Deadline to Register: June 1, Spring Deadline to Register: January 1)

Common CCP Courses

CCP students can take any undergraduate courses for which they meet the prerequisites. Exceptions include physical education courses, individual lessons, and equestrian riding courses. Common courses include:

  • EN 101: Composition and Research

  • EN 201: Advanced College Writing

  • MT 109: Pre-Calculus I

  • EC 201: Macroeconomics

  • EC 202: Microeconomics

  • CM 105: Public Speaking

  • PS 101: General Psychology

  • PO 110: American National Government

*To participate in math courses through CCP, students must have successfully completed Algebra 2.

Course Content Disclaimer

The content of courses under the College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter, such as graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual material. This content will not be modified based on a student's participation in the CCP program, regardless of the location of course instruction.

Have Questions?

For all inquiries, including questions from school administrators, please contact ccpinfo@eduftp.net.